using community engagement to make sure your project is successful

When you think of what makes a successful development, do you think of community engagement? Many developers don’t, and that leads to the scenes we all see on the news, with residents protesting a new development or redevelopment of an area. Getting the support of the community can elevate your project, but a failure to get the community’s input can cause a real sticking point.

Getting the support of the community means so much more than running a public meeting once or twice. It means reaching out to the community with all kinds of methods — in-person, online, and more. In today’s digital world, and even in the face of COVID, developers have lots of tools in their toolbox to gather everybody’s input. At JHP, we believe in creating developments with the input of the community. We’ve created a checklist of tools that developers can use to run great public engagement. Are you doing everything you can to run a successful development? Download the checklist to find out.

About JHP
JHP is an award-winning architecture, planning and urban design firm practicing nationally from its base in Dallas, Texas. JHP has extensive knowledge and experience with a variety of projects. Contact us and we’ll navigate the process together.